“Scrie pe Vin2.ro” cu povești trăite de oameni care iubesc vinul. Astăzi îl avem invitat pe Marius Gheorghe, care si-a descoperit pasiunea pentru vizitarea cramelor si a aprecierii vinurilor la justa lor valoare. Marius lucreaza in domeniul stomatologic.
—-Voua va place cand ploua la mare? In week-end-ul in care am fost eu a plouat, dar mi-a placut.
—-Aflandu-ma prima data la mare in acest an, mi-am zis ca va fi o reusita, pentru a aparut ideea de a vizita o crama. Pornind din Vama Veche si indreptandu-ma spre Olimp, am lasat in urma celebrele statiuni, blocate acum in trecut. Dupa un popas la celebra cofetarie Mimoza a defunctului hotel Amfiteatru am mers in apropierea padurii Comorova, vis-a-vis de lacul Tatlageac. Am ajuns! Clos des Colombes. Domeniul viti-vinicol al doamnei Anne Marie Rosenberg, producator de vin, gastronom si bun
povestitor – descendenta al unei vechi familii de viticultori din regiunea Champagne. Doamna Anne Marie a transformat o veche ferma in domeniu viti-vinicol, cu restaurant si o minipensiune cu doua camere si un apartament, langa cele 5 hectare de vie.
—-Pentru ca ziua sa fie perfecta si gusturile sa ne fie satisfacute pe deplin, doamna Anne Marie a ales combinatia perfecta intre vinuri si preparate, servite intr-o ambianta muzicala discreta cu chansonette si muzica pariziana in acord cu picaturile de ploaie
—-Am pornit spre a degusta vinurile create la doi pasi de Marea Neagra,
dar startul a fost dat de o champagne La Ferrandiere Grand Cru care apartine familiei cu veche traditie in zona Champagne, asezonata cu crevete in crusta si scoici Saint Jaques, care ne-a relaxat si uscat de picaturile de ploaie.
—-Ton-ton, semiton … si sauvignon! Urmatorul fel a sosit!…ton in sos si avocado au insotit un Sauvignon 2015, un vin reprezentativ al cramei cu un gust putin regasit pe piata la acest soi, corpolent si uleios in pahar, cu un lung postgust de arome ale coacerii tarzii, dar si a fermentrii in lemn. Dupa ce am admirat gradina si restaurantul cu decoratiuni minimaliste, am gasit pe masa Viognier-ul 2015 langa un sorbet de vin si fois gras. Expresia in gust si aromele date au fost pe masura, lemnos, vanilat, dar deosebit prin postgust, cu mult peste media cu care sunt obisnuit. De mentionat faptul ca acest vin a primit medalie de aur la IWCB 2017, buline sosite la cateva minute dupa venirea noastra. Altfel te simti cand bei un vin medaliat, nu?!
—-Ploaia rezista, rezistam si noi…al treilea vin a fost un Cuvee din Viognier si Feteasca alba, Printesa si bobul de mazare, nume dat dupa o celebra poveste. Mariajul dintre cele cele doua soiuri combinate in cantitati aproape egale a dat un complex de note de piersici, ananas si toast. Vinul a fost insotit de un peste halibut in sos si anghinare la cuptor. Anne Marie ne-a povestit despre semnificatia cuvantului „colombes”, care vine de la o veche casa de porumbei, expresie folosita in Burgundia. De altfel, si „clos” este tot un termen foarte vechi, semnificand o traditie ancestrala care-l descrie ca fiind o podgorie inchisa, imprejmuita de un zid de pietre.
—-Poa’ sa ploua, pentru ca … a sosit primul vin rosu – un Syrah 2013, un vin surprinzator cu arome puternice de fruct si condimente, cu taninuri suple, pe final calduros, asociat cu piept de rata la cuptor, cosulet de cartofi si garnitura de varza rosie caramelizata cu smochine. Tare bune…
—-Ultimul vin din degustare a fost Omulet de lemn, 2013, Cuvee din Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteasca Neagra si Pinot Noir, un vin rotund, delicios, plin de arome si personalitate. Cine si-a ales fondant au chocolat (pe romaneste – lava cake) bine a facut. Delicios!
—-Ploaia se opriese, dar parca n-am fi plecat…A fost o incantare si o placere pentru mine sa vizitez probabil una dintre cele mai mici crame din Romania, asezata intr-o oaza de liniste si verdeata, doar la doi pasi de Marea Neagra, deoarece Clos des Colombes are toate atuurile pentru a-ti oferi momente de 5 stele.
English translation by Agnes Mattis-Teutsch
————————————————————————————————————————Case Clos!…
– Do you enjoy rainy weather by the sea? Well, the weekend I was at the seaside, I really enjoyed it.
– This was my first weekend at the seaside this year and the idea of visiting a winery came up and then I said to myself: This has to be a success-story ! I started my journey that day from Vama Veche, and on my way to Olimp I left behind all those memorable resorts, now stuck in the past. After a short stop at the once famous Mimoza confectionery which is part of the now abandoned Hotel Amfiteatru, I headed towards Cormorova woods, next to Tatlageac lake. And I arrived! Clos des Colombes. The wine-growing and wine-producing region belongs to Mrs. Anne Marie Rosenberg, wine producer, gastronomer and good story-teller – a descendant of an old family of wine-growers from the Champagne region. Mrs. Anne Marie turned an old farm into a wine-growing region, with a restaurant and a mini-guesthouse with 2 rooms and an apartment, besides the 5 hectars of wineyards.
– So that our day shall be perfect and of course for the fullest satisfaction of our tastes, Mrs. Anne Marie chose the perfect combination between wines and food products, served in a discrete musical background with chansonettes and Parisian songs balancing perfectly with the rainy weather outside.
– We started tasting the wines produced so close to the sea and the first start was given by a champagne La Ferrandiere Grand Cru, which belongs to the family of old tradition from Champagne. The Champagne was accompanied by battered shrimps and Saint Jacques clams for the perfect relaxation of our taste buds.
– Tuna and Sauvignon! The next course is ready! … Tuna fish and avocado accompanied a 2015 Sauvignon, a representative for this winery, with a rare taste for a wine of this variety, stout and oily in the glass with a lasting taste of the flavors of the late ripening process. After this, we took a walk through the garden and we admired the restaurant with its minimalistic design and when we came back, a Viognier 2015 was waiting for us on the table, accompanied by a wine sorbet and fois gras. The tastes and flavors of this variety were stunning: wood, vanilla and this one is special through its aftertaste, much above the ones I am familiar to. To be mentioned that this wine received the Gold Medal at IWBC 2017, ?? received just a few minutes after our arrival.
– The rain keeps on going, so are we! The third wine was a Cuvee from Vignioner and Feteasca Alba,” The Princess and the pea”, named after a famous story for children, by Hans Christian Andersen. The combination between the two varieties in almost exact quantities, offers this wine a complex of peach notes, ananas and toast. This great wine was accompanied by a dish of halibut fish in a sauce of artichokes.
– Anne Marie told us about the meaning of the word “colombes”, which comes from an old shelter for pigeons, expression used in Burgundy. The same is “clos”, also an old term, suggesting an ancestral tradition which describes it as a closed winery, enclosed by a stoneyard.
– Well let it rain, because the first red wine arrives: a 2013 Syrah, a surprising wine with strong flavors of fruit and spices, with subtle tanines, having a warm aftertaste. This great wine came with oven baked duck breast, potato punnetts and red cabbage caramelized with figs… Excellent dish!
– The last wine we tasted was Omulet de lemn (The wooden man) 2013, Cuvee made out of Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteasca Neagra and Pinot Noir, a round-ended wine, delicious, full of flavors and personality. Who chose the fondant au chocolat, (or lava-cake) made a really good choice. Delicious.
– Meanwhile, the rain had stopped, but we didn´t want to leave..It was a delight and pleasure for me us to visit probably one of the smallest wineries from Romania, placed in an oasis of silence and pure nature, just a few steps beside the sea. And truly, Clos des Colombes has all the advantages to offer you 5 star moments!
Felicitări pentru articol!
Aproape ca am reusit sa simt ca sunt acolo: printre vie, vinuri si bucate, la 2 pasi de mare.
Mmmmm… doua dintre marile placeri ale vietii mele: vinurile de soi si Romania. Iar in articolul asta gasesc o combinatie ideala 🙂 Deja imi vine sa ma sui in avion. Nice article. Congrats!