
Scris la 26 iulie 2015 in Povesti despre vin | Niciun comentariu

—-De curand, comunitatea #winelover (cu peste 19000 de membri pe Facebook) a fost supusa unui vot. Unde sa se serbeze cea de a 4-a aniversare in data de 14 februarie 2016? Ca si data trecuta (cand orasele/tarile au fost doua –  Lisabona si Bucuresti), fiind sa e greu sa gestionezi o multime de oameni ce vor sa serbeze aceasta zi, s-au ales doua tari. Una este Spania, unde Jerez va fi una din gazde, iar pentru zona de est, in Balcani (din ce in ce mai activi la astfel de evenimente) au fost nominalizate 10 tari. Dupa 4-5 zile in care s-a votat mai ceva ca la Eurovision, tinand cont ca a coincis cu perioada de puternica influenta emotionala in favoarea Greciei, s-a ales… Grecia! România a fost pe locul doi, la ceva distanta de Croatia si Serbia, dar oricum n-ar fi putut fi gazda doi ani consecutivi.
—-Asadar, vizitam Atena in februarie! Sunt convins ca our brother in wineTed Lelekas, unul din cei mai influenti comunicatori de vin din Balcani si recent ales vicepresedinte FIJEV, se va dedica organizarii evenimentelor din 14 februarie (Sf. Trifon) , care va consta in excursii la cramele din apropierea Atenei, seri gourmet si un mare #winelover party, cu BYOB, desigur. Nu am nicio indoiala ca vom fi multi români acolo.
—-Si ca sa nu ajung neantrenat, pe caldurile astea ar fi bine sa ma ntrenez cu cat mai multe vinuri din soiuri grecesti.  De curand, de la un maraton de vinuri grecesti propus de Vasilis m-am pricopsit cu un White Techni 2014. L-am testat atunci, dar uite ca i-a venit ziua de analiza amanuntita alaturi de o salata cu calamari… pe principiul “mancam si bem sanatos”! Ca mare iubitor de sauvignon, cele 80 de procente din cupaj, cu restul de assyrtiko, sigur ca mi-a facut mare placere. Culoare: galbe pai, usoare tente verzui si nasul din care sauvignonul razbare de la o posta… ardei gras, iarba cositasi multa prospetime. In gust se simte revigorant, crocant, cu un corp mediu, aciditate mare mare…  fructe albe necoapte, abundenta de citrice, ceva mineralitate, toate integrate foarte bine cu alcoolul de 13% si post gust destul de lung. E savuros cu orice salata, legume la gratar sau cu preferata mea carne de pui! Usor peste +7, dupa gustul meu.
—-Si cum vara asta ne incinge tare, presimt ca intru in cantonament cu albele grecesti.
—-Asa ca,… Yamas!

 English version ———————————————————————————-


Recently, the #winelover community (with more than 19000 members on Facebook) has been subjected to a vote. Where the 4th anniversary should be celebrated in on 14th  of  February 2016? Just like the last time (when the number of cities/countries was two: Lisbon and Bucharest), two countries have been chosen as it is hard to handle with so many people who want to celebrate this day. One is Spain, where Jerez will be one of the hosts for the East area and ten countries have been nominated in the Balkans (more and more active at these events). After 4-5 days of voting more something like Eurovision Greece was chosen eventually…considering the fact that it took place during the strong emotional influence in favor of Greece. Romania was on the second place, to some distance from Croatia and Serbia. Still, it could not have been the host two years in a row.  

Therefore, we visit Athens in February. I am sure that our brother in wine Ted Lelekas – one of the most important wine communicator within the Balkans and recently elected the vice president of FIJEV will be dedicated to organizing the events on 14th of February (Saint Trifon). They will consist of tours at the wineries around Athens, gourmet evenings and a huge #winelover party with BYOB, of course. I have no doubt that there will be many Romanian people over there.

In order not to get there untrained, it would be good for me to practice on these heats with as many Greek varieties as possible. I got stuck with a White Techni 2014 recently at a marathon of Greek wines proposed by Vasilis. I tested it then but here comes the day along with a detailed analysis beside a calamari salad…on the principle we eat and drink healthy.  As a great lover of Sauvignon, the 80% of the blend, with a rest of assyrtiko was a real pleasure for me. Color: pale yellow, light greenish tints and the nose of sauvignon that smells powerfully from the very distance…green pepper, mown grass and a lot of freshness. In taste it feels refreshing, crispy, a medium body, great acidity…white unriped fruits, plenty of citrus, a mineral shadow – all these are perfect integrated with the 13% alcohol and the post taste lasts for long. It is delicious with any salad, grilled vegetables or chicken – my favourite! For my taste, slightly +7 bow-ties from maximum 8..

And as this summer is getting too hot, I have the feeling that I will be soon in a cantonment with many Greek white wines.



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